Handmade Custom Birdhouses 

Recycled Paint Can Houses

If you're looking to add originality and flair to a favorite garden spot, look no further. These recycled paint cans go straight from the Wanda Works paint sites to Weathered Nest Central where they are laboriously transformed into one-of-a-kind whimsical creations.
These are all original handiworks that evolved from nothing more than a simple sketch. I have spent many years and nesting seasons testing and fine tuning each design to insure safe and cozy nesting and durability. Rest assured, your backyard visitors will love them.
Each design has adequate ventilation, non toxic interiors and are clean-out accessible so you and your feathered friends can continue to enjoy them season after season. Paint can houses take about 10 hours each to complete, but will withstand a lifetime in your garden guaranteed. I currently have five fun designs available. Each are signed and numbered, limited editions.
 **Custom orders may be available with a possible lead time of two to three weeks.
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